Get Better Soon, Steve

The entire Brotherhood of Muscle respects you, enjoys the wealth of knowledge and goodwill you provide and are in your corner fighting with you, Steve!



Get well soon Steve Magnante! From one Steve to another. From one junkyard treasure hunter to another. I hope to see you back at your post real soon!


What can you do?? Watch his videos?? Are you serious?? How about offering prayers to Almighty God for Steve?? Or are you guys politically correct or unbelievers?? Either way, God exists and I’ll start it off with prayers for Steve and his loved ones by his side. Even atheists have been known to come to Jesus Christ when their lives have been at their lowest at deaths door. So Steve, I pray our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ intervenes on your behalf to give you the encouragement, strength, belief, faith & health to pull thru & overcome your tough health trial that you are facing. Nothing is too great for The Lord. In Jesus Christ name we pray & may He draw you closer to Him & heal you 100%, so that you also may become a great witness & believer in Christ for others to hear your amazing recovery, we all pray for your speedy recovery. Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers. Amen​.


Steve is one of the nicest and most knowledgeable people I have ever met. Get well soon sir!